痛苦的秘密在于有闲工夫担心自己是否幸福。 The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. 痛苦的秘密... 每日英语 1周前040
生活中拥有童心,你的日子将时时与快乐相伴… Have a childlike innocence in life, and your days will always be accompanied by happiness. 生活中拥有童心,你... 每日英语 1周前050
懒惰就像一把锁,锁住了知识的仓库,使你的… Laziness is like a lock, which bolts you out of the storehouse of information and makes you an intel... 每日英语 1周前050
信仰,就像恐惧和爱一样,是一种决定我们人… Belief, like fear or love, is a force that determines the course of our lives. 信仰,就像恐惧和爱一样,是一种决定我们人生... 每日英语 1周前050
你被黑暗敲打,恰恰证明你是光明本身。 The fact that you are beaten by darkness proves that you are light itself. 你被黑暗敲打,恰恰证明你是光明本身。 每日英语 1周前050
我们总坚信自己有能力去完成不可能的事。 We have always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. 我们总坚信自己有能力去完成不可能的事。 每日英语 1周前040